DISCIPLINE ~ Janet Jackson
Miss Janet is back yet again, with this her 10th (dear god, can it really be that many?) studio album "Discipline". After the blandness of her last album "20 Y.O.", pretty much anything would seem like an improvement. So I really have to keep things in context when looking at her latest release.
For once, she went with a great track as lead single (she's made some real bad choices when it came to lead singles on previous albums), but the sad thing is that "Feedback" is by far and away the best song on the album. Sure, there are a few other radio-friendly tracks which are fun to bop to, but the fact of the matter is that none live up to her former classic hits. And as for the so-called "baby making" tracks (the name she bestows upon her slow, sexed-up ballads), well they've never been as boring or forgettable as they are on "Discipline". They are more likely to put people to sleep than to entice them into heated session of lovemaking.
I also found this to be a very front-heavy album, with all the good stuff placed on the first half of the disc. Once it gets past "2Nite", the album comes to a complete standstill. Only "So Much Betta" and "The 1" bring any life back to the party before the album closes. For once I was actually happy with Missys contribution to the album (usually I find that she keeps most of the good tracks and production for herself!).
One thing I always enjoy about Janet's albums (though some bemoan their existence) are her infamous interludes. Whether or not they actually add anything of worth of the album is debatable, but they are such a firm staple of her albums at this stage, they without them, it just wouldn't be a proper Janet record. I also found the interaction she had with her "AI computer" during these interludes to be quite interesting and gave the album a bit of a cool futuristic feel.
My general overall feeling towards the album is a great big "meh". The whole thing was a bit lackluster, to be honest. Not as dead to the world as "20 Y.O.", but I get the distinct impression that Janet just isn't as interested in the biz as she once was. It makes me long for the days of her partnership with Jam & Lewis. In fact, I think I might start a petition to reunite the trio :P It was obvious that some of the new producers on the album tried to imitate her popular 80s sound, but it just didn't work for me and instead some tracks sounded painfully dated.
After this, I'm not too sure where Janet can go with future albums. Ever since she discovered she had breasts (way back on her amazing "Janet" album), shes been obsessed with the topic of sex and for my money, its all getting a bit tired and repetitive. What she needs now is a new image and most definitely a new sound. Maybe having a baby would give her some much needed perspective on life and something new to sing about.
Standout Tracks:
- Feedback
- Luv
- Rock With U
- So Much Betta
- The 1
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