Monday, April 14, 2008
Its gonna be biblical!
With just one more day to go before Sky starting showing BSG again, my excitement is reaching fever pitch! While in the States last week I literally stopped in my tracks when I saw this poster on a bunch of bus stops round NY. How amazingly awesome is the Last Supper theme??!! Such a beautiful composition....
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Flavour of the week - Marco Dapper
Actor / model Marco Dapper is someone I've been meaning to cast a gratuitous spotlight on for a while now. I found it quite tricky to limit myself to only 6 photos for the blog, as he tends to look flawless in every god damn shot :P Apart from his obvious attributes (perfectly sculpted body and a face that would give even straight men hot-flashes), I just love his wildly exuberant smile :D
Some totally random Marco facts:
- His nickname is "El Burro"
- He has a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do
- He went completely starkers in his first ever movie!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Robotic luv luv luv luv luv luv
DISCIPLINE ~ Janet Jackson
Miss Janet is back yet again, with this her 10th (dear god, can it really be that many?) studio album "Discipline". After the blandness of her last album "20 Y.O.", pretty much anything would seem like an improvement. So I really have to keep things in context when looking at her latest release.
For once, she went with a great track as lead single (she's made some real bad choices when it came to lead singles on previous albums), but the sad thing is that "Feedback" is by far and away the best song on the album. Sure, there are a few other radio-friendly tracks which are fun to bop to, but the fact of the matter is that none live up to her former classic hits. And as for the so-called "baby making" tracks (the name she bestows upon her slow, sexed-up ballads), well they've never been as boring or forgettable as they are on "Discipline". They are more likely to put people to sleep than to entice them into heated session of lovemaking.
I also found this to be a very front-heavy album, with all the good stuff placed on the first half of the disc. Once it gets past "2Nite", the album comes to a complete standstill. Only "So Much Betta" and "The 1" bring any life back to the party before the album closes. For once I was actually happy with Missys contribution to the album (usually I find that she keeps most of the good tracks and production for herself!).
One thing I always enjoy about Janet's albums (though some bemoan their existence) are her infamous interludes. Whether or not they actually add anything of worth of the album is debatable, but they are such a firm staple of her albums at this stage, they without them, it just wouldn't be a proper Janet record. I also found the interaction she had with her "AI computer" during these interludes to be quite interesting and gave the album a bit of a cool futuristic feel.
My general overall feeling towards the album is a great big "meh". The whole thing was a bit lackluster, to be honest. Not as dead to the world as "20 Y.O.", but I get the distinct impression that Janet just isn't as interested in the biz as she once was. It makes me long for the days of her partnership with Jam & Lewis. In fact, I think I might start a petition to reunite the trio :P It was obvious that some of the new producers on the album tried to imitate her popular 80s sound, but it just didn't work for me and instead some tracks sounded painfully dated.
After this, I'm not too sure where Janet can go with future albums. Ever since she discovered she had breasts (way back on her amazing "Janet" album), shes been obsessed with the topic of sex and for my money, its all getting a bit tired and repetitive. What she needs now is a new image and most definitely a new sound. Maybe having a baby would give her some much needed perspective on life and something new to sing about.
Standout Tracks:
- Feedback
- Luv
- Rock With U
- So Much Betta
- The 1
A great big giant "X" marks the spot
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Welcome to the Candy Store
After many years of patient waiting, the good lord has finally answered my prayers. Warner Bros. are preparing to release all 22 episodes of Fastlane in an extras-filled boxset in early July.
This show was one of my biggest guilty pleasures when it was on. Every single thing about it was uber-glossy and completely over the top. I'd say practically half the shots in each episode were in slow-motion (but with a cast as hot as that, you wont hear ME complaining!).
The best way to experience this show was to sit back, switch off your brain and let it wash over you. The series was chock full of so much action (explosions, car chases, massive gansta shootouts) that there was never a dull moment. The production was massive (each episode cost over $2million to make), the direction was so slick that it hurt and the music was amazingly hip-hop heavy. Actually, the main reason it was denied a release so long was specifically because the music it used in the show was only contracted for TV purposes. Fingers crossed the WB managed to secure the rights to the soundtrack for the dvd release, cause it just wouldnt be the same without it!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
If only he'd gone splat...
In theory, the premise of this movie had huge potential. You have your handsome lead (Christensen) with amazing powers of teleportation. You have the evil cult (known as "Paladins") who are bent on capturing and murdering him and anyone like him (people known collectively as "Jumpers"). Then there is the obligatory damsel in distress to rescue (the lovely Ms. Bilson). You have to ask yourself, how could something like that possibly fail? Especially when Doug Liman was at the helm. Here he was given plenty of opportunity for creative action sequences and non-stop excitement, which he excels at (see his last two movies: The Bourne Identity and Mr. & Mrs. Smith).
The first glaring problem with the film is that it takes itself too seriously. And a serious film needs a plot to back it up. Sadly the plot was lacking in the extreme. Second, in my opinion, there’s no point making a movie if you can’t populate it with characters worth caring about, which this movie seriously failed to do.
Haydens character (David, the protagonist of the movie) was, in a word, a knob. In essence he was a thief, and a selfish one at that. It is certainly possible to love a rogue, but for that to happen, he must possess some redeeming qualities, which sadly David did not. This made him hard to relate to and impossible to sympathise with.
It didn’t really help that Hayden has all the charisma of a stuffed dead squirrel; cute to look at, but ultimately lifeless and lacking in any kind of charm. I’d also have to call into question his acting ability (not that this movie would be a good indication of such a thing). But his performance is so flat and disinterested that I have to wonder if there’s anything going on behind those cold cold eyes of his.
Samuel L. Jackson plays his nemesis. The problem here is that beyond the “all Jumpers are evil" line, we are given no motivation for his character or the quest of the Paladin order, so it’s hard to love or hate him. If some kind of history had been given to the war between the Jumpers and Paladins, it would have made the plot FAR more substantial. Typically Jackson can be relied upon to make the best of dreadful lines and paper-thin roles, but here he plays it totally straight and delivers not a single laugh or tongue-in-cheek moment.
Rachel Bilson plays the hapless love interest and does her best to invigorate a thankless role. To be fair, she doesn’t move far from the character she’s most well known for on the OC, but at least she brings a spark of life to the proceedings.
What bothered me about her character Millie, was how quickly she fell for and trusted David, a guy who she hadn’t seen or heard from since she was a little girl. The two lacked any kind of connection and the relationship between them was too hurried and contrived.
The film would have been a complete and total waste if not for Jamie Bell. Like the rest, his character of Griffin (First name? Last name? Who cares, the writers sure didn't!) lacks any kind of depth but Jamie does a fantastic job of working with what little he was given. He injects a bit of life and humour into his character and acts everyone else off the screen when he pops up. Sadly, even the smallest bit of background to his situation was quickly swept under the carpet (god forbid we start to FEEL anything for these people).
I must admit, the special effects and the sound effects that accompanied the “jumps” of the title were very impressive and dynamic, but not enough to compensate for a lack of imagination during the films many action scenes.
Overall, this movie was a wasted opportunity and a huge disappointment.
UNKLEJAM ~ Unklejam
To say that this album was long overdue is a huge understatement. The album suffered numerous delays by its record company and at one point I feared that I'd never even get my grubby mitts on a physical copy of the CD (so much so, that I downloaded two different versions of the album from various illegal sources *gasp*).
In the end, I had to go all the way to Japan (via eBay) to secure myself an official copy of the album. Thankfully, it was worth that extra bit of effort. The only sad thing is that domestically, the album is only available legally as a digital download and the band are likely to fade into obscurity now, which is a crime given the quality of the album and the singles (and their accompanying videos).
Their self titled debut is, on the whole, very dance-y and upbeat, with only two or three slower songs to ease the pace. What doesn't let up for the entire album is the bands signature electronic sound. The blending of pop/rnb/dance/electronic/funk is a heady mix and the band were very ambitious to take so many different genres into their fold. Sometimes it works, other times the production is just far too heavy. On certain songs its hard to make out the lyrics, on others its tricky to even pick out the vocals of each band member! Even so, the sound they've come up with is quite distinct and none of the tracks are boring to listen to.
There are at least three songs that are a chore to get through, but the rest of the album is solid, with a few other tracks that would have easily made single status if the band hadn't evaporated first. Even though its sounds contrary, the synthesised sound that runs through the album lends a strangely organic feel to the the pulse of some great mechanical beast :P Its worth noting that the album versions of the three released singles are slightly different from the single versions. But the difference is so small that unless you were playing the hell out of the singles for months beforehand (like I was), you are likely not to notice!
Its definitely one of those albums that you'd have to be in the mood to listen to, being as musically "in your face" as it is. "Unklejam" is a very strong debut (and quite possibly the final work) from a creative and unique band. I think perhaps they were all just a little TOO unique for the buying public :P
Standout Tracks:
- Love Ya
- What Am I Fighting For?
- Just Like Me
- Cry
- Go
- Stereo
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
I demand a recount!
As it is becoming apparent now, the themes on Idol are slowly moving through the decades, this week being the 70s. Its just a shame they'll be finished with the pre-shows before they even come close to anything musically current. Oh well. This time round I was a little more familiar with the contestants, so I thought I'd be all ready to pick out my favourites. How wrong could I have been?
First up were the lads. Michael has been pretty consistent up to this point, so I was very disappointed with his performance this week. The vocals just weren't there. Jason C, my early fav from last week barely registered this time round. Maybe it was just the song, but I think he needs to adopt a slightly different style for next week if hes going to make any kind of lasting impression. Luke (who I fully expected to be sent home last week) took a bit of a risk singing "Killer Queen", a great song and a HARD song to sing (so I gotta at least give him props for that). He managed all the notes, but with that song, you expect massive Mercury PRESENCE along with it, so its not like he had a hope in comparison!
Robbie again sounded quite lovely, but the song choice left a lot to be desired. Also, I have a feeling that if the judges hadn't kept harping on about it, I wouldn't have the word "FAKER" blinking in my mind whenever hes on screen. Just goes to show, the judges opinions can be quite deciding! On that note, I felt like Paula was perhaps wearing her sober hat because most of her comments were not only understandable, but particularly relevant!
Danny (my other fav of the bunch) went with and pretty much mangled one of my most loved Carpenter songs. At that stage, I could clearly see a big sign around his neck that read "going home" (again, how wrong could I be!). David H. pulled off another solid vocal this week, but I'm still finding it uncomfortable watching him. I think its something about his eyes....
Jason Y. was, for a second week in a row, crapola. Simon was unnecessarily mean towards him though. Almost made me feel sorry for the guy........almost.
Chikezie followed and bowled me over with a surprisingly amazing performance. Like, where the hell did that come from?! I'm still quite put off by his attitude (and his lack of fashion sense, but who am I to talk?). David C. (which his still hedious hair......jeez, sort that out already, would you?) was up next and gave what I thought was the most convincing performance from the so-called "rockers" of this season. I wasn't all that wild on the song.........a bit too predictable for me.
Last was David A. Good god, can this guy emote or WHAT?! It was easily the best performance of the night (especially shocking considering how young he is). I wouldn't go so far as to say it was the best vocal ever on the show (the judges are really prone to exaggeration this season, it would seem), but it definitely worked for me. I'm still kind of annoyed he went with that song though, cause in my opinion, anyone who sings it gets an unfair advantage of having all that goodwill behind them, it behind one of the most loved songs of all time.
Next were the gurls. Carly kicked things off with a slightly rocking performance, but I swear, all I could see were her bouncy boobs all over the gaff. Syesha followed that up with a snoozey rendition of "Mister Jones". I know this girl can sing, but the song just didn't allow her to demonstrate it. Better luck next week, luv. Brooke struck song choice gold with "You're So Vain", but given how she's still stuck in "nice" mode, it was an odd rendition and I'm still not wowed by her.
Ramiele went with an uptempo disco number (to keep things fresh). Even though I'm still in love with her and the sound of her voice, I felt like the song got away from her at times, like the tempo was that LIL bit too fast for her. Kristey Lee Cook (who will from now on be referred to as KLC) appeared on-stage looking exactly like Felicity. You'd think that that would make me like her a little, but no, she was still far too generic. I loved her top though, it was like fashion from the future!
Amanda was up next and the first thing that hit you (almost literally) was that SHOCK of hair on her head. Now really, someone needs to tell her to tone it down a lil (in fact, I think Paula did just that during her critique!). The song, which I love, didn't work for her at ALL and showed up her lack of singing chops. Alaina picked a perfect song for her and sang the hell out of it. Even though she TOTALLY missed a few of the high notes it was still one of my fav performances of the night. Shame the judges didn't like it one bit!
Next was Alexandrea, who was my fav of the girls at this point. I cant say I was thrilled with the song choice (a mite boring), but she sang it perfectly and did a beautiful lil harmonic thing towards the end that really encapsulated the style of singing of the period. Naturally, the judges didn't like her either. Kady blazed on stage and made my ears bleed for a minute and a half. Asia'h ended the girls show. Granted, she was sick, but that doesn't excuse a terrible vocal. Why sing a song with gratuitously high power notes if you simply cant pull them off? The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. Perhaps it will have washed out by next week :P
The results were, in a word, shocking. I don't think I've ever been quite so angered by an Idol results show before. On the boys side, Jason and Robbie were sent packing. Jason going was a foregone conclusion while I think Robbie should have hung in there a few more shows. Of the girls, Alexandrea and Alaina got the boot, which was just plain wrong! >:( Both girls gave infinitely better performances than most of the other girls and it was a crime to see them leave the show so early. I guess I'll have to find another girl to dote on for next week!
First up were the lads. Michael has been pretty consistent up to this point, so I was very disappointed with his performance this week. The vocals just weren't there. Jason C, my early fav from last week barely registered this time round. Maybe it was just the song, but I think he needs to adopt a slightly different style for next week if hes going to make any kind of lasting impression. Luke (who I fully expected to be sent home last week) took a bit of a risk singing "Killer Queen", a great song and a HARD song to sing (so I gotta at least give him props for that). He managed all the notes, but with that song, you expect massive Mercury PRESENCE along with it, so its not like he had a hope in comparison!
Robbie again sounded quite lovely, but the song choice left a lot to be desired. Also, I have a feeling that if the judges hadn't kept harping on about it, I wouldn't have the word "FAKER" blinking in my mind whenever hes on screen. Just goes to show, the judges opinions can be quite deciding! On that note, I felt like Paula was perhaps wearing her sober hat because most of her comments were not only understandable, but particularly relevant!
Danny (my other fav of the bunch) went with and pretty much mangled one of my most loved Carpenter songs. At that stage, I could clearly see a big sign around his neck that read "going home" (again, how wrong could I be!). David H. pulled off another solid vocal this week, but I'm still finding it uncomfortable watching him. I think its something about his eyes....
Jason Y. was, for a second week in a row, crapola. Simon was unnecessarily mean towards him though. Almost made me feel sorry for the guy........almost.
Chikezie followed and bowled me over with a surprisingly amazing performance. Like, where the hell did that come from?! I'm still quite put off by his attitude (and his lack of fashion sense, but who am I to talk?). David C. (which his still hedious hair......jeez, sort that out already, would you?) was up next and gave what I thought was the most convincing performance from the so-called "rockers" of this season. I wasn't all that wild on the song.........a bit too predictable for me.
Last was David A. Good god, can this guy emote or WHAT?! It was easily the best performance of the night (especially shocking considering how young he is). I wouldn't go so far as to say it was the best vocal ever on the show (the judges are really prone to exaggeration this season, it would seem), but it definitely worked for me. I'm still kind of annoyed he went with that song though, cause in my opinion, anyone who sings it gets an unfair advantage of having all that goodwill behind them, it behind one of the most loved songs of all time.
Next were the gurls. Carly kicked things off with a slightly rocking performance, but I swear, all I could see were her bouncy boobs all over the gaff. Syesha followed that up with a snoozey rendition of "Mister Jones". I know this girl can sing, but the song just didn't allow her to demonstrate it. Better luck next week, luv. Brooke struck song choice gold with "You're So Vain", but given how she's still stuck in "nice" mode, it was an odd rendition and I'm still not wowed by her.
Ramiele went with an uptempo disco number (to keep things fresh). Even though I'm still in love with her and the sound of her voice, I felt like the song got away from her at times, like the tempo was that LIL bit too fast for her. Kristey Lee Cook (who will from now on be referred to as KLC) appeared on-stage looking exactly like Felicity. You'd think that that would make me like her a little, but no, she was still far too generic. I loved her top though, it was like fashion from the future!
Amanda was up next and the first thing that hit you (almost literally) was that SHOCK of hair on her head. Now really, someone needs to tell her to tone it down a lil (in fact, I think Paula did just that during her critique!). The song, which I love, didn't work for her at ALL and showed up her lack of singing chops. Alaina picked a perfect song for her and sang the hell out of it. Even though she TOTALLY missed a few of the high notes it was still one of my fav performances of the night. Shame the judges didn't like it one bit!
Next was Alexandrea, who was my fav of the girls at this point. I cant say I was thrilled with the song choice (a mite boring), but she sang it perfectly and did a beautiful lil harmonic thing towards the end that really encapsulated the style of singing of the period. Naturally, the judges didn't like her either. Kady blazed on stage and made my ears bleed for a minute and a half. Asia'h ended the girls show. Granted, she was sick, but that doesn't excuse a terrible vocal. Why sing a song with gratuitously high power notes if you simply cant pull them off? The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. Perhaps it will have washed out by next week :P
The results were, in a word, shocking. I don't think I've ever been quite so angered by an Idol results show before. On the boys side, Jason and Robbie were sent packing. Jason going was a foregone conclusion while I think Robbie should have hung in there a few more shows. Of the girls, Alexandrea and Alaina got the boot, which was just plain wrong! >:( Both girls gave infinitely better performances than most of the other girls and it was a crime to see them leave the show so early. I guess I'll have to find another girl to dote on for next week!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
I'm not sure I can quite adequately explain the level of my excitement when it came to seeing Boyz II Men perform live. I've been a fan of their music for god knows how long, so in my mind, these guys are living legends. While the quality of their work has had its ups and downs over the years, my interest in the band has never dwindled.
I'd never been to Tripod before (or The Pod, as it was known years ago), but it was much larger than I'd imagined it. We arrived a wee bit late, but as we were standing, it was easy enough to squeeze in. We made it just in time for the warm up act, Laura Izibor (who hails from right here in Dublin!). With just herself at a keyboard and accompanied by a guitarist, she made her way through some beautiful songs, including her big hit "From My Heart To Yours". I loved her and her interaction with the crowd was fantastic!
When the Boyz finally made their way out on stage, I was a little bit disappointed at how there was no live band to accompany them. I had pictured a full funky big band behind them as they sang, so simply having a backing track supply the music was a let down. Still, I have to admit to being a little bit star struck. I've been to SO many concerts over the years, but this is a band I never thought I'd see perform live in Ireland (almost as if Ireland was too insignificant to factor into their schedule). Even though there was just the three of them on stage, I felt like it was too small a platform for them! They arrived all in their sharp dapper suits (clearly seen above), which they wore for the entire performance. The heat must have been immense!
At times I almost doubted if they were singing live, because their vocals were simply so spot on throughout the night. Just like in their videos, they performed many of their songs to synchronised dance movements (eerily reminiscent of the ones performed by groups from Motown's hey-day!). I was pleased to see some interaction with the crowd (very few American artists seem capable of it). They came across very personable and amiable and there was a lovely sense of comradery between them (which I figured would be tried and tested after so many years performing together!!).
With so many albums and songs to choose from, there was never going to be enough time to satisfy everyone, but they managed to give the crowd what they wanted and performed their biggest hits from over the years. Quite surprisingly, they didn't shy away from their earlier work and did quite a few tracks from their first and second album (granted, their most popular works to date). I was slightly miffed that they all but neglected their middle albums "Evolution" and "Nathan | Michael | Shawn | Wanya", instead opting for tracks from their Japanese-only album "The Remedy". But thats just me being a mite picky I suppose!
I did find it a little unusual that not a mention was made of the fellow retired band mate, Michael McCary, but I guess that they've just moved on at this stage.
The one blemish on an otherwise stellar evening was the pack of rowdy so-and-sos standing on front of me, who insisted on making a spectacle of themselves during the performance. But all in all, it was a very enjoyable night I wont soon forget!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
When Idol eyes are smiling
American Idol has finally reached the stage where I take an interest again: the live shows with the top 24 contestants. I have managed to avoid almost all of the auditions up till now, so I was approaching most of the singers this year with fresh eyes and ears.
Sadly there were two things hampering my enjoyment from the get go. One was through no fault of the show. TV3, the only terrestrial channel broadcasting Idol, decided in their infinite wisdom that this year it would be a good idea to only show half of the contestants. Naturally, this really got my goat. I ended up having to watching the remaining 12 performances in crap quality on YouTube. If they do the same thing next week, I swear, I'll have a canary.
Second on my list of disappointments was the producers decision to introduce "themes" to the show. One of the reasons I always loved the early shows was simply because they didnt have a theme. Contestants could sing whatever they liked and that allowed the audience to get a good grasp of where they were coming from musically. This small bit of expression was removed from them when they all had a "60s week" imposed on them. *SIGH*
Moving onto the show itself. I wasnt really blown away by any of the contestants performances this week. The guys were up first. Some were completely forgettable. Others (David Hernandez, David Cook and Michael Johns), were merely adequate. Robbie Carricos voice was likeable, but I really didnt buy the rocker vibe he was trying to portray. I was very surprised by David Archuleta. His voice was way more mature than I'd expected and he made a slightly boring song FAR more enjoyable than it had any right to be.
My two favourite guys (so far) would be Danny Noriega and Jason Castro, both extremely different from each other. Danny had impressed me in earlier shows with his voice and I really enjoyed how his personality just spilled out over the stage during his performance! Jason on the other hand went for a much more understated approach and the song just melted beautifully into my head.
The girls were decent overall, but suffered from the same forgettable factor as most of the guys. The blondes in particular were hard to differentiate between! Alexandrea Lushington gave what I considered to be the best "performance" from the girls. She was working the song out from all the way down the stairs! Brooke White continued with her "nice" routine with a very pleasant rendition of her song........but I can see that shtick becoming old FAST :P Ramiele Maluaby looked and sounded great, but I think the song might have been a lil too big for someone so teeny!
Our big Irish hope Carly Smithson (who I've had a problem with since the start) was good, but suffered badly from all the hype and expectation that the judges have built up around her. Shes going to have to work extra had just to live up to the crazy high standards that are already expected of her! (which, I must admit, is very unfair).
As for the four who were sent home, I had no problems with their dismissal. The question is, how will the remaining 20 shape up on their second week? Its not too late for a few more to earn my fickle adoration :P
oh and I would like to blame my haphazard review of this weeks show on the fact that I was forced to watch half the show on the telly and then search for the other half on the internet!!! >:(
Sadly there were two things hampering my enjoyment from the get go. One was through no fault of the show. TV3, the only terrestrial channel broadcasting Idol, decided in their infinite wisdom that this year it would be a good idea to only show half of the contestants. Naturally, this really got my goat. I ended up having to watching the remaining 12 performances in crap quality on YouTube. If they do the same thing next week, I swear, I'll have a canary.
Second on my list of disappointments was the producers decision to introduce "themes" to the show. One of the reasons I always loved the early shows was simply because they didnt have a theme. Contestants could sing whatever they liked and that allowed the audience to get a good grasp of where they were coming from musically. This small bit of expression was removed from them when they all had a "60s week" imposed on them. *SIGH*
Moving onto the show itself. I wasnt really blown away by any of the contestants performances this week. The guys were up first. Some were completely forgettable. Others (David Hernandez, David Cook and Michael Johns), were merely adequate. Robbie Carricos voice was likeable, but I really didnt buy the rocker vibe he was trying to portray. I was very surprised by David Archuleta. His voice was way more mature than I'd expected and he made a slightly boring song FAR more enjoyable than it had any right to be.
My two favourite guys (so far) would be Danny Noriega and Jason Castro, both extremely different from each other. Danny had impressed me in earlier shows with his voice and I really enjoyed how his personality just spilled out over the stage during his performance! Jason on the other hand went for a much more understated approach and the song just melted beautifully into my head.
The girls were decent overall, but suffered from the same forgettable factor as most of the guys. The blondes in particular were hard to differentiate between! Alexandrea Lushington gave what I considered to be the best "performance" from the girls. She was working the song out from all the way down the stairs! Brooke White continued with her "nice" routine with a very pleasant rendition of her song........but I can see that shtick becoming old FAST :P Ramiele Maluaby looked and sounded great, but I think the song might have been a lil too big for someone so teeny!
Our big Irish hope Carly Smithson (who I've had a problem with since the start) was good, but suffered badly from all the hype and expectation that the judges have built up around her. Shes going to have to work extra had just to live up to the crazy high standards that are already expected of her! (which, I must admit, is very unfair).
As for the four who were sent home, I had no problems with their dismissal. The question is, how will the remaining 20 shape up on their second week? Its not too late for a few more to earn my fickle adoration :P
oh and I would like to blame my haphazard review of this weeks show on the fact that I was forced to watch half the show on the telly and then search for the other half on the internet!!! >:(
Bshorty revels in his A.D.D.
I’m going to ignore the fact that Blake Lewis stems from American Idol; otherwise I’ll end up in a long discussion about his performance on the show. Suffice to say, he wasn’t my favourite and I felt that he was over-hyped just a tad :P But as soon as I heard his catchy debut single, I knew I’d have to give the album a whirl.
Audio Day Dream (or ADD for short) is a genuine delight to listen to. First and foremost, it’s a fun, bright and breezy affair. For his first time out of the gate, Blake has wisely chosen to avoid tackling any important social issues. There’s not a profound word of wisdom in sight ;) The loss or pursuit of a girl is about as serious a topic as Blake is willing to broach.
During the Idol competition, Blake was mainly singled out because he had demonstrated a gift for beat boxing. Each week he used (and sometimes OVERUSED) this skill to great effect in his songs. I had feared that the album would be one long self-indulgent beat boxing orgy. Even though there IS some beat boxing present on the album, it thankfully never overshadows the songs. Only on one short track does he cut loose (but to be fair, that track is nothing BUT beat boxing).
One point of note is that the majority of the album is co-written and produced by “One Republic” front man (and producer du jour) Ryan Tedder and as such it has a very coherent sound to it. The disc is a perfect balance of modern production techniques and an old school 80s electronica vibe. And it just so happens that right now 80s music is back fashion, so even though Blake has wrapped himself in a retro cloak, the disc still manages to sound quite current.
The production can be a little heavy at times, but never to the detriment of the songs. Truth be told, even though his voice is very pleasant on the ears, it’s not as strong as it could be, so the production gives a little helping hand here and there.
This is one of those rare albums that actually gets stronger as it goes on, as opposed to most albums which lay all the good stuff upfront. Even the ballads (which carefully avoid sounding laboured or soppy) have a lovely flow to them and are spread quite evenly throughout the album for a bit of variety.
This is quality pop that I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend!
Standout Tracks:
- Break Anotha
- Gots to Get Her
- How Many Words
- Surrender
- Heres My Hello
- Watcha Got 2 Lose
- She's Makin' Me Lose It
- End of the World
Monday, February 11, 2008
Not black, but definately gold
Say hello to my latest obsession; Sam Sparro. His music could be described as the love child of Prince, Unklejam and Daft Punk. But even those comparisons wouldn't be doing him enough justice. His criminally short 6 track EP "Black & Gold" is an eclectic mix of dance beats and electro-fuck, all fused together with a slick retro flavour. Needless to say, I've got it stuck on repeat and am eagerly awaiting a full album release. His videos, however do him no favours and I would seriously recommend avoiding them, if at all possible! :P
Monday, January 28, 2008
If you build it, they will come
Today Lego celebrates the 50th anniversary of its legendary brick. Back when I was a wee nipper, Lego was by far and away my favourite toy. The great thing about Lego was that when you got bored with the houses and vehicles that you built as per the instructions, you could just break them up and start again on your own crazy creations. The only limit was your imagination! For an example of this, check out the pic above for an amazing piece of Lego Art by Nathan Sawaya :-)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Heath Ledger 1979 - 2008 RIP
Here is yet another very young and talented actor whose life was cut tragically short. He was in many films, but was probably most famous for his turn in Brokeback Mountain (which earned him an Oscar nomination last year). I’ve a hunch that his role in the upcoming Batman movie “The Dark Knight” will end up being the performance he’s most remembered for. So sad, cause I think the best was yet to come from Heath.
Not so mega man
“I Am Legend” is the 3rd film to be based on the book of the same name by Richard Matheson. I’ve never seen either of the previous incarnations or read the book (though I fully intend on doing so), so I was able to go into this film with no preconceived notions or wild expectations.
Robert Neville (played by Will Smith) is the last man on earth. Emphasis on the “man” part, cause as the tagline of the film states, he’s not alone! Three years previous, a catastrophic virus (to which he was thankfully immune) infected humankind, wiping out most and mutating others into brain-dead zombie monsters. Neville spends his days alone in a quarantined New York, trying to come up with a cure for the virus, but at night he holes himself up in his house to avoid the attacks from the monstrous mutants.
The story (or the one that was promised) was a genuinely intriguing one. Lets put aside Nevilles struggle against the mutants and his quest to find a cure for the moment. What was most interesting to watch was one mans battle to stave off insanity. Cause let face it; even with the most grounded of personalities, after 3 years alone with only your dog for companionship, little cracks would start to appear! Neville tackles this by maintaining a strict daily routine, but that ends up being supplemented by having conversations with mannequins in stores, just to maintain the illusion of other people in his life.
And it has to be said, given how the whole film rests on his shoulders; Will Smith carries it quite well. As always, he does a good job of making his character relatable to the audience. What I was pleasantly surprised to see was his decent attempt at demonstrating how someone would behave after being isolated for so long (although I’d have preferred a little more “crazy” on my corn flakes).
The movie also succeeds in swallowing the viewer in a sense of extreme loneliness, with its overgrown city streets and deserted buildings. The build up to the reveal of the mutants is also handled quite expertly. The scene where Neville creeps along through the darkened corridor in a desperate search to find his doggie chum, was one of the tensest pieces of cinema in recent memory. And the first sighting of the creatures, huddled around the corpse of the deer was completely unnerving. Sadly, that was the highpoint of the film and it went a little downhill from then on.
The main thing about the movie (looks-wise at least) that bothered me was the decision to use CGI creations as the mutants in the film. And these were fully CG, at all times (not just for complicated shots which would be impossible to humanly replicate). But CG monsters, no matter how well done, are never as believable or scary as a physical creation. It baffles me as to why the director didn’t choose to use regular people in make-up (see “28 Days/Weeks Later”), or even make-up enhanced with a little CGI (a la “30 Days of Night”) instead. Surely this would have been less costly and it certainly would have been more effective. Instead, any time one of the mutants appeared on screen, the tension and fear that had been created just evaporated from the scene.
The plot was filled with many little unexplained quirks and there were story points that were mentioned but never followed up on. The end of the film was particularly contrived and felt like the writers had hit a brick wall and needed to wrap things up quickly. Having been subsequently informed of the books original ending, it makes me wonder why the writers of this movie subverted the original ending as much as they did. It’s a crying shame that as yet, no one has had the courage to make a film based on the superior ending in the book. Maybe for the books forth movie incarnation perhaps?
I Am Legend was a decent film (and I loved the teeny-weeny cameo from Emma Thompson), but it was let down by misused CGI and a hasty (all too convenient) ending.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Going boldly
Because of the obvious J.J. Abrams connection, the very first teaser trailer for the new Star Trek movie premiered on front of Cloverfield last week in the States. The trailer offers little or no actual movie footage. Instead we follow a camera as it slowly revolves around the construction of some unidentifiable piece of machinery. Workers can be seen dotted around, hanging from bits of scaffolding. Sparks fly here and there as metal is being carefully welded. In the background we can hear various well-known historical space-themed statements.
The sound reel ends with Spocks classic final line from Star Trek II (traditionally read by Kirk) and the camera pans back enough to finally reveal what it is that’s being constructed: the saucer section of the original Starship Enterprise.
The trailer ends with a brief glimpse of the original Starfleet Federation insignia and then the words “Under Construction.”
OOOOhhh, the expectation! The film premiers in the States this Christmas and the trailer can be seen here:
Star Trek Teaser Trailer 1
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Brad Renfro 1982 - 2008 RIP
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Flavour of the week - Ben Cohen
My 5 Favs of 2007 - TV Shows
I’m only halfway through the second season, but it’s proving to be just as enjoyable as the first.
In case you didn’t already know, Glenn Close kicks serious ass in this show. Ted Danson is also surprisingly excellent as her nemesis. The time-hopping format kept me on my toes too ;)
David Duchovnys performance in this show was a revelation. Though a bit crude at times, it managed to balance genuine and complicated relationships with some sharp and hilarious dialogue.
Another excellent year in a consistently excellent programme. Once again Shatner and Spader are the main draw. The writing continues to impress, managing to balance funny, touching, dramatic and socially relevant all in a single episode!
I think the fact that this show was cancelled actually worked in its favour as it managed to craft a nicely thought-out storyline with none of the usual season-long filler!
I’m only halfway through the second season, but it’s proving to be just as enjoyable as the first.
In case you didn’t already know, Glenn Close kicks serious ass in this show. Ted Danson is also surprisingly excellent as her nemesis. The time-hopping format kept me on my toes too ;)
David Duchovnys performance in this show was a revelation. Though a bit crude at times, it managed to balance genuine and complicated relationships with some sharp and hilarious dialogue.
Another excellent year in a consistently excellent programme. Once again Shatner and Spader are the main draw. The writing continues to impress, managing to balance funny, touching, dramatic and socially relevant all in a single episode!
I think the fact that this show was cancelled actually worked in its favour as it managed to craft a nicely thought-out storyline with none of the usual season-long filler!
My 5 Favs of 2007 - Singles
1) MY SECRET LOVER ~ Private
I had to relegate myself to just ONE Private song in my top 5, so the amazing video that accompanied this single managed to tip the scale in its favour.
2) STRONGER ~ Kanye West
For me, this was the song that refused to grow old. So what if it heavily samples an already well-known Daft Punk song, it still rocks the Kasbah and the Akira inspired video is genius.
3) GIMMIE MORE ~ Britney
It’s Britney, (expletive removed).
4) LOVE IS A LOSING GAME ~ Amy Winehouse
Practically every single she released this year was gold, but this was always my favourite track off the album. It’s the one time she doesn’t sound like she’s putting on a voice :P
Yes, most of his songs DO sound alike, but this was the first and I dare say best cut off his latest album. It bounces along like no other!
I had to relegate myself to just ONE Private song in my top 5, so the amazing video that accompanied this single managed to tip the scale in its favour.
2) STRONGER ~ Kanye West
For me, this was the song that refused to grow old. So what if it heavily samples an already well-known Daft Punk song, it still rocks the Kasbah and the Akira inspired video is genius.
3) GIMMIE MORE ~ Britney
It’s Britney, (expletive removed).
4) LOVE IS A LOSING GAME ~ Amy Winehouse
Practically every single she released this year was gold, but this was always my favourite track off the album. It’s the one time she doesn’t sound like she’s putting on a voice :P
Yes, most of his songs DO sound alike, but this was the first and I dare say best cut off his latest album. It bounces along like no other!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
My 5 Favs of 2007 - Movies
Let me just preface this by saying that for me, 2007 was a very disappointing year for films. Granted, it might just have been the films I went to see in the cinema that were poor. No doubt I’ll catch up on some decent movies when they eventually make their way to DVD (“The Assassination of Jesse James” and “Disturbia” are two I’m quite sorry I missed on the big screen). But for the most part, the cinema and I just didn’t see eye to eye. I’ve managed to just about pick out 5 films that I was generally happy with.
For me, this was such a fun movie and all of its components (actors, story, music, production) came together so very nicely. Everything a modern fairytale should be.
While it dragged a wee bit in the middle, this movie was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stodgy year of cinema. With its rollicking soundtrack and exceptionally enthusiastic cast, it sent me home from the cinema with a big stupid grin on my face.
The pace was a little frantic, but I really couldn’t have asked for a better ending to a consistently entertaining series of films.
Mel Gibsons chase movie is so visually arresting that it almost works without the subtitles. The cast of no names did a fantastic job too.
5) 3:10 TO YUMA
A surprisingly enjoyable western. Russell Crowe pulled another fantastic performance out of that arrogant ass of his! Shame about the ending though.
For me, this was such a fun movie and all of its components (actors, story, music, production) came together so very nicely. Everything a modern fairytale should be.
While it dragged a wee bit in the middle, this movie was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stodgy year of cinema. With its rollicking soundtrack and exceptionally enthusiastic cast, it sent me home from the cinema with a big stupid grin on my face.
The pace was a little frantic, but I really couldn’t have asked for a better ending to a consistently entertaining series of films.
Mel Gibsons chase movie is so visually arresting that it almost works without the subtitles. The cast of no names did a fantastic job too.
5) 3:10 TO YUMA
A surprisingly enjoyable western. Russell Crowe pulled another fantastic performance out of that arrogant ass of his! Shame about the ending though.
Monday, January 07, 2008
My 5 Favs of 2007 - Albums
1) MY SECRET LOVER ~ Private
A shamelessly pop-tastic album bursting at seams with 10 insanely catchy songs.
2) MUSIC CITY SOUL ~ Beverly Knight
This is by far my fav Bev album to date. Her voice shines on each and every soul-drenched track.
3) SET THE MOOD ~ David Jordan
The biggest musical surprise of the year for me, “Set The Mood” is a refreshing album and if you listen closely, you can hear echos of Terence Trent D’Arby.
4) SKYBOUND ~ Tom Baxter
Though not as instantly classic as his debut, Tom’s sophomore effort is still brimming with heart achingly beautiful songs.
This double disc musical extravaganza would have rated higher if not for the excessive number filler of tracks. But persistence and patience will reveal moments of pure aural bliss.
A shamelessly pop-tastic album bursting at seams with 10 insanely catchy songs.
2) MUSIC CITY SOUL ~ Beverly Knight
This is by far my fav Bev album to date. Her voice shines on each and every soul-drenched track.
3) SET THE MOOD ~ David Jordan
The biggest musical surprise of the year for me, “Set The Mood” is a refreshing album and if you listen closely, you can hear echos of Terence Trent D’Arby.
4) SKYBOUND ~ Tom Baxter
Though not as instantly classic as his debut, Tom’s sophomore effort is still brimming with heart achingly beautiful songs.
This double disc musical extravaganza would have rated higher if not for the excessive number filler of tracks. But persistence and patience will reveal moments of pure aural bliss.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Here comes the Knight
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Tell no one
Once again, all thanks must go to “” for highlighting an obscure band I’d otherwise never have come in contact with. I can’t say I know all that much about Private, apart from the fact that they hail from Denmark and are fronted by an unusual looking chap named “Thomas Troelsen”. But what I do know is that they have managed to release one of THE best pop albums of recent memory.
The band has a very distinct sound. You’d swear that the songs were recorded back in the early 80s (which I think has a lot to do with the analogue equipment they used when recording). The whole thing is very electronic, fused with a classic late 70s / early 80s disco sound. If I had to make a fumbling comparison, I’d say that the album is an exciting mishmash of Prince, Wham, Michael Jackson and the Scissor Sisters.
The songs are mostly infectious up-tempo numbers, guaranteed to have your toes tapping or hips wiggling, although there are a few mellower tracks to let you catch your breath. The overall mood is light and breezy with carefree (and sometimes nonsensical) lyrics. My only complaint (which is no doubt just me being hyper critical) is that the songs are mostly chorus, but when you’ve got choruses THAT good, there’s no harm hearing them repeatedly!!
The album really is a hidden gem, and although its not (currently) available from local shops or even many online stores, I’d consider it an essential purchase for any pop aficionado. Its certainly one of my favourite albums of the year :D
The album can be purchased from CDWOW at the link below:
Standout Tracks:
The whole bloomin thing!
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