Thursday, November 09, 2006

The ballad of Britters and Fed-Ex

Sings: “Tis the season for the breakups, fa la la la la, la la la la”.

First Whitney and Bobby call it a day (FINALLY, after a turbulent 14 years), then Ryan and Reece decide to end their vows (after a modest, but still respectable 7 years). Now Britney and K-Fed, after a hefty two years of wedded bliss, are seeking a divorce due to that old nugget “irreconcilable differences” (now who saw THAT one coming?! :P)

I find that that particular excuse is used a little too much by celeb couples these days. You ever wonder what exactly those irreconcilable differences could be?

Does he constantly sleep on HER preferred side of the bed? Does Britney repeatedly take Kevins bike out for a ride without permission? Is she a cat person and hes a dog person? Does Kevin leave the toilet seat up on purpose and flat out refuses to change his wild ways? For once, I’d really like to know! :D

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