Monday, November 13, 2006

The word of God

So after two years, I’ve finally made it through the entire run of PREACHER graphic novels! Penned by Garth Ennis and drawn by Steve Dillon, this series was completely different from anything I had read previously. Never before had I read a comic that compelled me to devour issue after issue till the book was finished. Comprising nine volumes in all, there were some that I got through in less than a day!

What first struck me about Preacher was its prominent use of foul language. It was course and colourful and rarely let up. There was also more violence and gore than you could shake a Texas Chainsaw murderer at. Having been brought up on a staple diet of Spiderman and X-men comics, reading Preacher made me feel like a youngster who’d just snuck into an 18s movie :P

The characters felt real and nuanced and garnered genuine concern from me over the course of their many wild adventures. The art wasn’t much to speak of, but was perfectly suited to the raw and gritty dialogue. The over-arching story (the search for god) kept me interested, mainly because I was curious to see how a subject so far-reaching could ever be resolved. The smaller in-between character-building stories were much more interesting though. The conclusion felt a bit underwhelming, but it was one HELL of a ride getting there! So what are you doing still reading this when you could be out there reading Preacher right now? GO! GET! :D

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