Saturday, March 31, 2007

Tears of gold

This weeks theme (60s British music) afforded the potential Idols a little bit more variety when it came to song choice. On the whole, everyone seemed a lot more comfortable with their songs and performance.

Standout of the night for me had to be Jordin. Her rendition of “I (Who Have Nothing)” almost gave me those elusive goose bumps that our Paula is so frequently afflicted with. After a few weeks of barely registering with me, Lakisha rocked my world, an absolute vision in emerald green. She’s still head and shoulders above most of the other contestants, but it seem as though the judges have finally grown tired of her consistently good performances. How long before Melinda suffers the same fate I wonder? Melinda herself was on the ball yet again, but she needs to mix it up a little next week, as her style the past few weeks has been a bit samey. Haley decided to show the world there was more to her than just a pretty face and brought out the big guns (namely her boobs and legs). Her performance wasn’t half bad either! :D Stephanie was utterly forgettable.

The guys hardly deserve a mention this week, yet again. Chris R was whiney, Blake came off sleazy, Chris S is the devil, Phil was all OVER the place and Sanjaya was atrocious.

If there was any justice in the world, it should have been Phil, Sanjaya and Stephenie in the bottom three, with Sanjaya being sent home. Instead it was Chris R and Stephenie with the lowest votes, with Steph eventually being sent on her merry way.
I don’t quite understand how Sanjaya survives the voting each and every week. It’s as though he has some sort of dark god on his side, a god who sees fit to punish us with countless uninspired performances and daring new hairdos. Maybe Sanjayas the price we pay for watching a show as soulless as Idol….

Special mention has to go to the crying girl in the audience, who got more screen time during Sanjayas performance than Sanjaya himself :P

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